What is Narrative Counselling?
Complementary to Rogerian counselling, I use a narrative lens to invite and access stories of lived experience from clients using a “narrative therapy” modality to facilitate conversations.
In my work as a counsellor, narrative therapy is a strategy I fully align with and use consistently in my counselling practice as I assist the client/participant in telling their story by following emerging themes. A narrative counsellor deliberately watches and listens for recurring themes and elicits or frames questions that allow the participant to elaborate further on these central themes, thus providing an opening for understanding of life experience and self-understanding.
As a narrative counsellor I empower the participant to tell their story through pertinent questioning and feedback that focus on client strengths as they tell their life stories. The goal of this approach is meant to serve or empower the client to recognize their strengths and assets which have served them well at different times in their life.
Person-centered, narrative counsellors employ strategies that support and unearth the best attributes, traits, and propensities in their clients and praise these positive features as they assist the client in obtaining positive self-respect, hope and courage to face the challenges and stressors in their lives
Rogers, Carl. (1961). On becoming a person: A therapists view of psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin Co.